In this article I describe something that people write books about. Something people spent their lives to get to understand this. I caught a glimmer of it, which I like to share. I don't expect you to understand all the concepts in this post I merely touch upon. It would be good if you do the same. So look up more information about certain concepts if you don't get the point. Spread reading this article in chunks if you feel it is too much to handle right now.
This article isn't about religion
First let me put it this way. God, for me that is, is equivalent to 'the matrix' or 'all there is' or the system, or consciousness. It is just a word to describe something that just can't be described in one word. But we do that anyway, so I will use the word God, as that is very common among us. If you feel that you prefer another word for it, just copy,paste, find & replace the word God with whatever you like to refer to it.
What is god
As God is everything, you are part of it as well. Yet you are still an individual. You have your own thoughts, the things that you do, like, dislike, and so forth. You are you, yet you are a part of God.
But God is not a part of you, as a tire is part of a car, and not the other way around, that would be illogical. But when you refer to the car, you also refer to the tire. As the car is made of, among other things, the tire. So this means that if you refer to God, you also refer to yourself. God is, among other things, made of you. How does that feel?
This post is about how to find God. If you haven't already, or forgot you did once, you are lost from God. We have this saying in Dutch "van god los". This means that you are separated from God. Well how can you be separated from which you are part of? Seems paradoxial isn't it. (A paradox only indicates, that two logical concept contradict in what you define reality to be. Reality is what you define it to be to you, but not what it is.) A paradox indicates that you have two perspectives that require a third perspective where both fith in. The third perspective gives room to both perspectives into one valid, logical, feels right, concept. That concept, where both are valid, is on a more abstract level. Maybe I write more about this in another post. Sorry to have confused you with this if I did, lets move on and forget about it, as its not required to understand paradoxes to find God.
Cut the crap and get to the point, how do you find God? The most concise answer I can think of, and still be correct is the following: live your life.
I understand that such an answer doesn't help much. If you want more help to find God, please know that we get a bit technical, to discover how to find God. So think of a you, who has the time and patience to read on.
The definition of finding God
First I need to define what it means to find God. It means to come to an understanding of how you relate to God, and God to you. The understanding I write about is composed of intellect and emotion, so knowing and experiencing. Solely knowing isn't enough, and solely experiencing isn't enough either. You need both. Let me make a side step to clarify why you need both. Would you enjoy being thrown up and down, from left to right with great force for 60 seconds? And then, again, some time later, and if you do, then how to experience it again? Or do you want to know what it is, by only reading about it, that can move you around with great force for 60 seconds? Make a pick, choose either one. Pretty useless he? Now get in that roller-coaster, you know what that is right? And experience the ride. Only then the whole concept of the roller-coaster becomes meaningful to you. So if you know what it is, and you know the experience, you can choose to do it again, if you like. Now that is what it means to find God, you know what it is, you experienced what it is like, and you can choose to find God again.
God is composed of synergy. Truly understand synergy, it is the most value thing you can understand and experience. In general, people call this love. Let me clarify that I don't mean love in the sence of I love having sex to enjoy myself, or I love riding my motorcycle to spend time, or I love vacations on the beach. I refer to love when you want to raise a child, construct things, help other people out, have meaningful sex, and everything else that creates value. Note the words "when you want to". As when you do these things while you don't want to, the love in these given examples is nowhere to be found.
The value of choosing a perspective
You are different when you shift your focus towards different aspects of life. You can choose different perspectives consciously. Google for "Big Mind" and there is information to tell you how to do this. When you choose to shift your attention towards love, you look out to construct things, care for things, maintain and improve things. You can be focusing on fear, by responding to (and not choosing for) something, and outcomes are very different. This is no conscious act, as you are responding instead of choosing. When you fear your spouse is cheating on you, while your spouse isn't, but you do never know for sure, then how to build a better relationship together? You are reacting to that fear which alters your behavior. Your spouse feels that you don't have trust in the relationship, and that has negative impact on your relationship.
All these are perspectives, the perspective of your spouse cheating on you, or the perspective of taking care of your spouse because you love your spouse. choose for the perspective of love, and fill your mind with that, seek for synergy. If you notice that you unconsciously are in a perspective based on fear, then choose to shift your focus to a perspective with more love.
You will find out how this is related to find God if you keep on reading.
Truly understand a fractal and its magnificence. God is a fractal. Look at electrons circling a nucleus or at planets circling the sun, or entire galaxies circling around a massive black hole. Fractals are patterns repeating on small and large scales. God is composed of all these repeating patterns. Fractals are composed of two simple things: one simple formula, and energy to construct it. Have you seen the youtube video? This a computer processor, which is putting energy into one simple formula. Every iteration (result of the formula constructing each image in the video) is unique. You will never find the exact same image in another iteration. Yet they all are part of one large pattern.
The simple formula to find God
Your consciousness is like that fractal. It can only grow by one simple formula, or else it dies. That formula is willing to seek synergy. When you know what the formula of a fractal is, you still don't have a fractal image. So when you know that seeking synergy is what expands your conscious, you still haven't expanded it. You need to put energy into it, like the CPU of a computer, to render the fractal by that formula. It requires effort to seek synergy. Are you willing to work? As the definition of synergy is working together, so you need to want to work. I wrote earlier that it only requires you to live your life to find God, then how does this fractal formula relates to that comment? You will find out eventually that it works this way, by living your life.
The experience of synergetic perspective
For the sake of understanding what is coming next, put on a perspective of a situation where you feel slightly uncomfortable. You have something in your mind? (You see, only reading doesn't get you there, you need to do something to experience it, so put this perspective in your mind). Now here is the point. What is it that you are reacting on that makes you feel uncomfortable? It is probably fear. Now toss that fear away. Did the perspective you had change for the better? I doubt it. That fear is stuck, isn't it. If we keep discussing the fear, it is stuck indeed. So lets transcend all this and make the situation in your mind more comfortable. Focusing on how you can be of most value in that situation you have in your mind. FOCUS ON SYNERGY. How can you help others, in that situation, or be of value to anything you can think of. Simple seek things where 1+1=3 applies to you. You + something else = more . This takes time/energy, as it takes energy and time to render that fractal. It may require a minute or two of your focus on that synergetic perspective of you in that situation, or months. That entirely depends on the weight of all this on your life. This is spiritual development.
You must understand and have experienced the power of focusing on synergy in order for this explanation to succeed. So truly seek that experience. If you can't do it right now, than focus upon synergy in a every day task or situation and get back to reading this post.
The analysis of what just happened
You can choose to switch perspectives. You try different things in your mind, and see in your mind how these things turn out, while keeping synergy in mind. You can get a sense of how it feels if you would do this or that in a situation, all in your mind. You created a virtual reality, in which you run certain scenarios and watched their outcomes in your mind. This is profitably to you to do, as it takes less time and energy than to try them all in physical reality, so that is synergy right there already! Now did you sense objects and people and yourself? Did you picture yourself and others in a certain body or form? You can choose whatever you want to imagine in such a virtual reality situation in your mind to test outcomes as long as the intention is the same. This is how people heal with their minds. What I mean is, you could have envisioned yourself as your physical self, as a ghost that only observes but doesn't interact in the situation, as rock if you want to feel indestructible. Remember that it is all about shifting your focus on perspectives that yield synergy. So if you want to focus on a situation in your mind where you want to feel more strong you can imagine yourself as being made of rock, of whatever appeals to you, that's personal. If this rock example doesn't make sense it means it isn't appealing to you, find what is appealing to you.
The bridge from you to God and back
Here it comes, hold on tight, your reality may be shaking a bit after understanding the following: This pattern of you, in this reality, seeking for synergy (as that is what makes live more pleasant) and being able to think of a situation (creating a virtual reality) is exactly the same as what God is doing. Reread the previous sentence a couple of times until you understand that this is a fractal pattern. You are shifting perspectives to find out what works best for you. These perspectives are different yous in your mind. God is doing the same thing. God is shifting perspectives at large scale. God is this multiple core processor trying to find Synergy. God has put you, as one of it's perspectives out there, in this reality, to try to find synergy. It is running simulations. When you think of yourself visually, you give a perspective a form, a body, an environment. You have a body because you are a perspective that currently has focus. That focus comes from God. As long as you focus upon a perspective in your mind, you 'embody' that thought. When you let it to, it is gone, temporarily, but you can regain the perspective again, albeit it may be a bit changed. A perspective therefore never dies, it can always be refocused upon. The same applies to you. Your soul is this perspective, that is focused upon. And when you die, the perspective can be focused upon in a new form/reality/life/whatever. That is what most people recall to as reincarnation. "Going into the flesh". The perspective is applied in another reality, to see how it can be optimized.
Everybody you see around you is another perspective of you/God. So your perspective may not like someone else it's perspective, but that isn't the point. The point is that both of you find synergy with your perspectives.
So I write this for myself, as you are me and I am you. We are just different perspectives of the same mind (of God). So when this article helps you in any way, I am helping myself, thus helping us, this creating synergy. We are equal as we are both perspectives. If one perspective knows better than the other perspective, it is better to share the knowledge and gain synergy than to become arrogant and construct ego. So God is 'imperfect', and that is a good thing. It only means there is more to grow towards to, to state it less judgmental. It also enables to see others and appreciate them for what they are. As we are all perspectives of God with our 'imperfections', or less judgmental, with our ability to grow towards more, together.
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